Please read as much as you can of I Corinthians. If you are short of time, read Chapters 1-3, Chapters 6-7, and Chapters 12-13. Choose any one verse in I Corinthians you think particularly interesting, important, or hard to understand, and explain why you think this verse interesting, important, or hard to understand.
I am with Ian on this one, however I am a huge fan of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. This is a verse that is very special to me. When my wife and I got married, this was the verse that we said to one another. I know it is sappy and a lot of married couples recite this verse, but we have a framed copy of the verse hanging on our bedroom wall. To me, this is one of if not the most important verse in the entire book of 1 Corinthians.
ReplyDeleteI thought Corinthians 7:1-16 was very interesting. This chapter is very detailed about what you should do for marriage. Paul really describes many situation in a marriage and says the correct way to deal with them. I find it interesting that he says at the end, "if those who are not believers decide to leave, let them leave." I thought that was a very powerful statement.
ReplyDeleteNot to seem like I'm jumping on the band wagon here but, I also really enjoy 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Seeing as I've been single my whole life (I wish that was a joke) I'm not sure why this verse jumps out at me, maybe it's just the hopeless romantic in me that enjoys this verse but I also think that it's also just interesting to see how this can be applied to everyday life as well and not just romantic relationships. I remember when pastor Adam Ost ( the former youth pastor at the church I attend) talked about how he used this verse as a daily reminder for his daily life. he would ask things like how have I loved patiently today or how have I loved unselfishly today, and so on. It's just an interesting way to look at these verses in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI found the first 13 verses of chapter 10 to be most interesting. Paul is talking about Israel’s history, how they messed up, and how the Corinthians would be able to learn from that. This makes it seem that there were Jews living in Corinth…. Greeks surely wouldn’t have known anything about how they put Christ to the test and were destroyed by serpents (vs 9) or what the “cloud and sea” are that he talks about in verse 2. It seems that there were Gentiles and Jews living in Corinth, and having some disputes, and Paul was writing to the Jews more specifically in chapter 10.