The Gospel of Luke has been called "the most beautiful book ever written," and it is, for many people, their favorite gospel.
For Tuesday's class, please read through my study questions on the Gospel of Luke (also attached to the syllabus for the sake of those who prefer hard copy). Then read through the first twelve chapters of Luke's Gospel.
For the blog entry here, please do *both* of the following:
1. Pick out a verse or passage that you think particularly well shows why people find this gospel attractive and explain your choice of this particular passage.
2. Choose one of the study guide questions and suggest an answer.
Please come to class ready to discuss in class the verse/passage you chose and to suggest an answer to at least one of the study guide questions.
The verse I think that makes this gospel attractive is Luke 6:43-46. It says," A good tree does not produce bad fruit nor does a bad tree produce good fruit. Each tree is known by its own fruit. People don't gather figs from thornbushes and they don't get grapes from bushes. Good people bring good things out of the good they stored in their hearts. But evil people bring evil things out of the evil they stored in their hearts. People speak the things that are in their hearts." This means that you are who you make yourself to be. It is what you let out of heart. This is an attractive passage because it can relate to everyone. It is easy to understand also. 1. What reason does Luke give for writing his gospel? What sources does he claim for his information? To help people who already heard many of the stories know that they are true. He claims that he studied under Theophilus.
ReplyDelete1: I think the first chapter of Luke is the most interesting because it really informs us about some things that went on before Jesus was born. Luke talks more in-depth about Mary and how Jesus came to be conceived, and we hear about how John the Baptist was named and the story that happened with his parents. The gospel of Matthew jumps right into the birth of Jesus without any ‘backstory’ and I think the info on Jesus’s family really attracts people to this gospel.
ReplyDelete2: I chose study question 4 because the Old Testament citations in Matthew really intrigued me, and the fact that Luke doesn’t cite the OT as much struck me as interesting. I think we have to keep in mind that Luke was writing to Theophilus, who probably wasn’t a Jew, and as such he probably knew much less about Israeli history. I’m guessing the way Matthew cited things - quote the beginning of a passage and know his readers would remember the rest of the passage - wouldn’t work with someone who didn’t know that OT passage well enough to remember it. This is my guess as to why Luke has fewer mentions of the OT, and when he does they are longer. Theophilus wouldn’t have understood the significance as much as a Jewish reader, and for the important times where an OT citation was needed, he would have had to have more of the passage written out for him as it wasn’t something he’d know already.
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ReplyDeleteI was going to write about Luke 2:1-19, but I have already done that. Instead I chose Luke 5:27-32, I chose this because of the sheer dedication of people during this time. Jesus said "Follow me" and they dropped everything and did. Levi was a tax collector and he left his profession to follow Jesus. He then put together a huge feast which Jesus attended. Also in attendance were more tax collectors.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 3. How does Luke treat the Pharisees and Sadducees? Is his portrayal of these groups any different than Matthew's?
In this verse the Pharisees are asking the diciples why Jesus is "lowering" himself to eat with sinners. Luke chapter 5:31-32, 31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
This may be the best answer ever given. Luke is portraying the Pharisees the same way Matthew did. He is showing them what they are doing incorrectly.
The verse I chose was Luke 12:22-34; this is the passage where Jesus is telling his disciples not to worry about there life. I feel that this passage is a good example of why people find this Gospel so attractive because its really good advice for a problem quite a few people have. I also personally chose this passage simply because its something I needed to hear right now, as I'm pretty sure I have created a hole in the floor of my room as I pace trying to figure out something.
ReplyDeleteI chose to answer question 4. I feel that the reason that Luke doesn't quote the old testament as much but when he does he does so in greater length is because he is writing to a different audience then Matthew was. Matthew was writing for the Jews and so quoting small portions of the old testament would be of good use because the Jews would understand what Matthew was trying to get at based off of what the old testament said. Luke on the other hand is writing toward the gentiles, Luke could have quoted more old testament scripture but it would not have done him much good since the audience he is trying to reach isn't as familiar with the old testament scripture. because of there unfamiliarity with the old testament scriptures Luke need to quote longer portions of the old testament scriptures so that the gentiles would understand what the passage was saying.