Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Gospel of John--Discussion I

For our next class, please read Chapters 1-11 of John's gospel, concentrating on the first four chapters. Cite one thing John includes that *isn't* in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Suggest a reason that this material may have been more important to John than to the synoptic writers. What is John's purpose in including the "extra" material?


  1. One story that stood out to me was the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. I don't believe that this story is in the synoptic gospels and I think what John is getting at here is that we are all people of God. It doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Samaritan or if you are a man or a woman. John is portraying the work of Jesus and the Word of God as something for anyone who is willing to accept it. I believe that John's Gospel doesn't focus completely on the Pharisees, the Saducees, or the Gentiles. He is putting a focus on a little more inclusion.

  2. I chose the wedding at Cana. I think John added this because he wanted to say what was Jesus's first miracle. I think he also wanted to show how Mary really influences Jesus and people start believing more that he is the son of God. I think John just wants to tell the stories and not really have a point of view compared to the others. He does not write to Pharisees, Saducees, or Gentiles. He write for everyone to hear the truth.

  3. My Bible has a couple of notes about the Gospel of John. It says that “Jesus’ teaching stresses relationships: Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and our relationship with Jesus”. I would have to agree with this statement as evidenced by the first 18 verses of this gospel. John describes what existed in the very beginning, why Jesus was sent to this world, and why John the Baptist was sent as a preparer for the way of Jesus. John seems to use more flowery and descriptive imagery than the synoptic gospels, thus appealing more to emotions and giving readers a yearning to be connected to Jesus on a deeper level.

  4. I want to write about John 2:1-12. While I do agree with Donovan, this was probably put in to show Jesus' first miracle, I also think that it may have been put in there to show Jesus's relationship with his mother. In the other Gospels you don't really hear much about Jesus with his parents, other than his birth. In this chapter Jesus and his disciples are at a wedding party. His mother comes up to him and says "they have no more wine". I know that this isn't suppose to be funny, but I can totally picture Jesus rolling his eyes and saying "Really mom? I am here to save the world and you want me to turn water into wine? " And I completely lost it when I read the next line "5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (I am hearing it in my head as a Jewish mom from Brooklyn yelling at her son)

    Ok, with all seriousness, this was one of the first miracles Jesus preforms. It set the standard and I believe that is why John included it.

    1. I also really like the Gospel of John because he calls Bartholomew Nathanael, and that is my name.

  5. The Gospel of John is unique in the fact that doesn't start with Mary, Joseph, and Christ's birth. Instead, it introduces Christ with the proclamation of John the Baptist (not the same John as the Gospel writer) of "Prepare the way for the Lord.... There is One who comes after me whose sandals I'm not worthy to untie...". Following this is Jesus calling the first Disciples, along with the wedding feast at Cana.

    Because of this, we get a unique perspective from a disciple's perspective.
